
If there is a membrane in the structure you will need to generate the triangular elements that represent it. If we forget these elements the program believes that we are analyzing a wire mesh and can neither calculate snow, nor wind, nor pressure, etc. Moreover, we will not be able create patterns later. To generate the…

Menu: Membrane

This menu is active only in the states of Analysis and Patterning. In Form finding, it is not necessary at all since we are not materializing anything in this state. Edit When you click this menu, a window opens up with the data of the membrane used in the structure. WinTess3 allows you to work with a single membrane at…

Modulus of Elasticity of a Membrane

In any structural calculation, we relate the deformation of the elements that make up the structure with the stresses to which they are subjected. This relationship is often expressed normally using the stress-strain graph of such material. So, we know that the more you deform a structural element, more stress it acquires. This relationship stress-strain…