How is Wind Action Treated in WinTess?

Preamble WinTess is designed to be used anywhere in the world. Each country has its own standard of construction, therefore, unless all these rules are introduced into the program, it is impossible to meet each user’s own standards. In this sense WinTess facilitates the possibility to manually modify the calculation of wind actions in order…

Corner Plates

Tensioned membrane surfaces need a perimeter capable of counteracting the tension of the membrane. To do this, you can opt for different possibilities: A fixed edge. Membrane stresses go to another structure: a building, soil,… A hard edge. The membrane stresses are transferred to a component that can support them. The most common one is…

Torsional Stability

It is well known that a structure without any fixed point can not be analyzed. It would be as if floating in a state of weightlessness. Any load that we apply to the structure will move the structure. If the load is constant, it will speed up as per the known equation F = m…

Cross Compensation

The common way of patterning of a tensile membrane is to break down to triangles which are always flat (see the below figure). This series of adjacent triangles is called as pattern. It is obvious that the triangles are defined by the sides, and these are straight segments while the membrane surface is curved (almost…