
Basic concepts The membrane structures are constructed by providing a pretensioning force to membrane. The reasons for the prestressing are several: Self weight of the membrane would deform it, forming unforeseeable wrinkles and making her exposed to uncontrolled movements. Considering that the membranes can only withstand tension, if we put it a tensioned state, when there are loads…


In order to analize a structure, in addition to define and realize that structure, we must refer to some external actions, because otherwise there will be nothing to analyze. The most common actions to be considered in the tensile structures which can be applied in WinTess3 are: Self weightAs in any structure we must consider the weight…

Modulus of Elasticity of a Membrane

In any structural calculation, we relate the deformation of the elements that make up the structure with the stresses to which they are subjected. This relationship is often expressed normally using the stress-strain graph of such material. So, we know that the more you deform a structural element, more stress it acquires. This relationship stress-strain…

Prestressing Membrane

In the field of the tensile structures, especially those of membrane but also in the cable nets, it is well known that we should give a pre-stress to membrane. It will provide the structure of a rigidity needed to better withstand the loads and, above all, have some deformations considerably less than those that would…