
Basic Concepts The wind is one of the most important actions to be taken into account in a lightweight tensile structure. Except those which are placed in interior in a decorative way, we always consider the action of wind. In some areas of the World, this action is of vital importance, while in others it can go to second…


In order to analize a structure, in addition to define and realize that structure, we must refer to some external actions, because otherwise there will be nothing to analyze. The most common actions to be considered in the tensile structures which can be applied in WinTess3 are: Self weightAs in any structure we must consider the weight…

How is Wind Action Treated in WinTess?

Preamble WinTess is designed to be used anywhere in the world. Each country has its own standard of construction, therefore, unless all these rules are introduced into the program, it is impossible to meet each user’s own standards. In this sense WinTess facilitates the possibility to manually modify the calculation of wind actions in order…