Checking and Ratio

Checking results Once the calculation for the structure is performed, we can check if the selected components (membrane, cables, pipes, etc.) are correct. That is to say, if its resistance and behavior is acceptable.WinTess performs this operation, and displays the results by the button Ratio on the left or the menu Graphics | Ratio.   Membrane type bars Membrane type…

Safety Factors

From version 3,117 , WinTess introduces a new way to apply the safety factors to the structures.NOTE: Although this method is much more versatile and is better suited to the modern normative, if preferred, the user can ignore it and continue to calculate as it was before the version 3,117. Window of safety factors is seen above. The coefficients…


Basic concepts The membrane structures are constructed by providing a pretensioning force to membrane. The reasons for the prestressing are several: Self weight of the membrane would deform it, forming unforeseeable wrinkles and making her exposed to uncontrolled movements. Considering that the membranes can only withstand tension, if we put it a tensioned state, when there are loads…


Basic concepts In inflatable structures, they can be supported by air (large covered spaces of which membrane is hold in place by the overpressure of the interior with respect to the outside) or in the form of pneumatic structural elements inflated to pressures much higher than the previous ones like arches, bars, etc. . WinTess3…


Basic concepts In those cases where a tensile structure is situated in an area where it snows regularly, snow load is usually greater than the wind load and could become a real problem for the structure. The different regulations usually set a constant snow load for the different areas and different altitudes in each country.…


Basic Concepts The wind is one of the most important actions to be taken into account in a lightweight tensile structure. Except those which are placed in interior in a decorative way, we always consider the action of wind. In some areas of the World, this action is of vital importance, while in others it can go to second…

Point Loads

Basic concepts Tensioned structures without membrane surfaces are achieved through wire mesh, such as an aviary. In the absence of membrane, if we wish to apply snow or wind (which are very small but not non-existent), we should apply directly at nodes in WinTess3. We can also apply other loads due to objects that we hang from…


In the state of analysis, once having arrived or not the state of balance of the structure, the most normal thing is to evaluate the results. The fastest way to get an idea is through the Ratio option, which can be accessed via the menu Graphics | Ratio or Ratio button on the left. However, if we want numerical results, we must go…

Integrated Calculation

Introduction In both engineering and architecture, it is common to find complex structures that are formed by various types  of structural elements: walls, bars (pillars and beams), slabs, membranes, cables, etc. To address these structures, regardless of done by hand or with the help of computer programs,  we usually break down the structure into simple substructures, i.e. a…