Basic concepts

Tensioned structures without membrane surfaces are achieved through wire mesh, such as an aviary. In the absence of membrane, if we wish to apply snow or wind (which are very small but not non-existent), we should apply directly at nodes in WinTess3. We can also apply other loads due to objects that we hang from the mesh.

WinTess3 and point loads

We will have to apply the point loads node by node or by grouping those nodes to which we apply the same external load. Through the menu Nodes | Edit, we will open the window and select the nodes to which we are going to apply the load. We can do this individually or in groups through a selection window with the mouse.

It is very important to understand that the loads that we apply at a node or a group of nodes are not cumulative. That is to say if first a load of 2 t is applied and then a 1 t, the result is not 3 t but 1 t.

These loads can be applied by differentiating their X,Y,Z components and  positive and negative direction of these axis.

If you apply a load to a fixed node, it will not affect anything in the calculation of the structure. We can visualize the point loads applied by the button on the right .