Pneumatic Tube

Pneumatic tube is the form generated by an axis (line in 3D) and a circular cross-section of constant radius.At the moment, WinTess3 finds form of only closed pneumatic tubes. When we use the menu File | New | Pneumatic tube, the program displays the parameter window of the tube. First of all, we must enter the axis of the…

Air Supported Rectangle

Outside and inside views of a pneumatic cover for a swimming pool. You can see the cylindrical central section and the corners with a symmetrical pattern. Air supported or pneumatic structures have been popular at certain times (especially in the second half of the 20th century) in the design of economic covers: warehouses, sports fields,…

Spherical Dome

The spherical domes have been, and remain, one of the simplest forms of tensile structures. The internal pressure produces uniform stress on spherical surfaces, and this is the main reason why they have been preferred. Other reasons, such as aesthetics, simplicity in manufacturing, etc., have also served to popularize this type of form. When we use…

Pneumatic Cushion

Pneumatic cushions have always existed, but since the appearance of ETFE material (transparent or translucent) have become very popular. It is a space enclosed by two membranes, one upper and one lower. They are kept separated by the internal pressure of the air which is higher than the external pressure. This pressure difference is usually greater than…

2 arches

The membrane tensioned between two arches is a classic. This can be found in a variety of forms. In fact, the blog entry Creating a complex model uses this type of form in various ways. This window of mesh creation between two arcs allows we to: Generate a symmetrical mesh Generate a asymmetrical mesh with unequal heights of the arches. In…


Although the conoid term has different meanings according to the context in which it is used, in the field of tensile architecture, we use it to refer to those forms of revolution, similar to a cone, where the curve is not a straight line but a concave curve as seen from outside. If the conoid is…

Hyperbolic Paraboloid

The hyperbolic paraboloid is a paradigmatic example of the membranes of double curvature. Although its use is much lower than that of conoids of revolution, it is also a model quite usual. That is why WinTess3 has a special module dedicated to generate this type of models. This is a parametric object that, through a set…


(Version >= 3.98) We have already mentioned that the process the Mesh menu is the same as the modeling method, i.e. modifying the form of a deformable membrane, like with a Lycra membrane as shown in the picture. We assume that we have a very large piece of lycra. According to the model that we try to construct, we…

Using Auxiliary

There are forms that are difficult, impossible or very tedious to define as we need to know the coordinates of all the fixed points. Forms that are supported on arches are the typical case of those . For these activities, WinTess3 provides a tool which is called Auxiliary (points, lines,…). Using Auxiliary, we draw objects that are in the…