The hyperbolic paraboloid is a paradigmatic example of the membranes of double curvature. Although its use is much lower than that of conoids of revolution, it is also a model quite usual.
That is why WinTess3 has a special module dedicated to generate this type of models. This is a parametric object that, through a set of values, generates a certain “hypar” (hyperbolic paraboloid) defined by:
Coordinates of the four vertices (3D)
Sag (curvature) of the four sides
Tripods, bipodes or fixed vertices defined by the mast height, tilt and gap of the cables.
h = 0 means that there is no tripod >> fixed vertex.
c = 0 means that it is a bipod (a mast and a cable).
In the bottom right, above the buttons Cancel and OK, there is a checkbox for automatic creation of geodesic lines diagonally, parallel to the direction of the vertices 1-3. If this check box is selected, you can choose the number of geodesic lines to be created.