Having activated this menu, WinTess draws the existing patterns on screen.
On the top line of the screen, we see a checkbox that enables us to draw the triangles that form the patterns to get a clearer idea of how they are created. We can enable or disable this checkbox as we wish.
Create a new pattern
When we click on this menu, other sub-menus appear that allow us to create a new pattern in various ways:
At the top of the screen, the text Pattern number n, where n is the number of the pattern we will create.
The edit menu is a powerful way to modify the patterns created previously. Anyone can use this menu to complete patterns made very quickly (between two geodesic), but this is not the primary intention of this application. When clicking this menu, a message appears with instructions (figure given below) and a text “Select pattern” accompanies the movement of the mouse. Once we select a pattern (changes its color) a floating text (swap nodes) accompanies the mouse as shown below:
As soon as a node is clicked, if this node does not belong to the pattern, it will automatically be added to the pattern. And the pattern is adjusted to include this node. On the other hand, if the node already belongs to the pattern, it will be removed from the pattern. And also the pattern is adjuste to this new situation excluding this node.
When we finish modifying this pattern (by adding or removing nodes), we press the right mouse button to edit another pattern. If we do not want to edit any other pattern, again the right mouse button to terminate editing of patterns.
Editing patterns can lead to a worse situation than the initial. If that happens, we can always use the “Undo” (Ctrl-Z) button and return to the previous situation.
Draw patterns
This submenu is equivalent to pressing the button in Patterning state. It displays patterning window where we can edit, rotate, giving name, set offset, etc. various patterns of the membrane.
Delete by numbers
Pressing this submenu displays the dialog box that asks us the numbers of patterns we want to delete. We can use the comma dash code:
1,2-5,9 equals to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 9.
Delete graphically
Pressing this submenu, the cursor returns to selection finger. All selected patterns will be deleted.
Pressing this submenu displays a warning requesting that we select the pattern we want to reverse. Marking on the pattern changes its color, which means that it has been reversed. We can go on by selecting other patterns to reverse. At the end, we press the right mouse button.
Renumber patterns
Pressing this submenu displays the dialog box that asks of us the first number to begin the task of renumbering patterns. We can start with the number we wish, although the most natural is to start with number 1. Then, with the mouse we go on by clicking on the patterns for renumbering them as 1, 2, 3, etc. We can interrupt renumbering the patterns at any time by using the right mouse button. If we come to the last pattern number, renumbering of the patterns automatically stops.
This application is very useful for getting DXF of the patterns ordered in a clearer and more comprehensive way.
General data
Pressing this submenu displays the table of the patterns. In this table, we see the following data:
- Num: Pattern number.
- Pattern name: Text used to identify a pattern.
- Length: Length of fabric needed for the pattern.
- Width: Width of the fabric needed for the pattern.
- Area: Net pattern area.
This submenu allows us to see if the patterns we designed are close to the surface of the membrane. It is considered that a quality pattern is one that has a smooth surface as similar as possible to the surface generated by the elements of the membrane.
The program calculates the distance between each triangle of the pattern and the membrane surface. According to this distance, triangles are colored using this criterion: