The program WinTess3 has a menu File | New and a button to create new tensile structures.
This menu includes the following options:
Mesh This is the most general way. It simulates the process that is followed when models are constructed from tissue or highly deformable sheets (spandex, latex, …). Using it we can create virtually any shape that is constructible. |
Hyperbolic paraboloid This is a classic in the field of textile architecture. A surface bounded by four non-coplanar points. The program assumes that each of the four points are supported by a mast and one or two guy ropes. |
Conoid It is another common type, especially in the field of standard or prefabricated items. A tensioned surface rises up from a polygonal perimeter, like a cone, up to the apex point that is mostly in the center of the perimeter. The vertices may or may not have a support mast and guy ropes. |
2 arches The membrane between two arcs are typical of both as isolated ar in sets next to each other. You can build: |
Spherical dome This generates a spherical dome to study pneumatic structures. It is also used as a mesh element for tubular structures. |
Air supported rectangle When designing air supported structures with a rectangular floor (the most common), central part is cylindrical. So you don’t have any difficulty in generating through any CAD program. However, the corners are the only area where the geometry is more complex. WinTess3 allows you to generate such area automatically in addition to the central part. |
Pneumatic tube With this menu you can create a simple form of pneumatic tube. This is to facilitate the generation of this simple type. |
Cable This option allows you to generate hanging cables. It’s a teaching option with little professional use where the difference between the forms of arc, parabola and catenary is checked. |
Geodesic dome This is an option designed to generate flexible reticular structural domes in 3D. It can generate a dome of different frequencies and even the dual shape of the typical geodesic dome. A membrane can be added externally or internally. |
Catenoid This is an option designed to generate flexible reticular structures in 3D. Therefore this is not the time to go more in depth into it. |
Load combinations WinTess is a program whose calculation is done using non-linear methods. The typical combinations of load hypotheses, so common in linear calculation programs, are not possible in WinTess. The correct procedure is the one shown in this manual. |