Before you begin the analysis of a structure we must take various points into account:

State of the program
We have already mentioned that WinTess3 is a program “all-in-one” type suite. Nevertheless the three states of the program are very clear.  To analize structures, it is necessary that the program is in the state of Analysis, so we must change to analysis using the drop-down control in top toolbar.

If we open a file saved previously, WinTess3 remembers what state was the program in when it was saved and puts us in it. However, if we are designing a particular structure it is very possible that we have started by the task of form finding. Once selection of analysis is achieved we pass to the stage of materialization.

If we update the drop down in the top toolbar you get a message where we are reminded that we must materialize the structure. This is achieved through a series of actions which we will discuss below. However, we can point out that saving the data to a new file might include some trailing text in the filename to remind us the state we are in, for example: MebranaParque_calc.tes

Then we will have to materialize objects that form the structure: membranecablestubes and rigid bars.