We call pop-up menus that appear when you press the mouse somewhere on the screen.
The first of these is the one that appears when you press the button on the left that contains three flags. This is the button of languages and shows the pop-up menu that allows us to use the program WinTess3 in any of the six languages: Catalan, Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and Turkish.
We can change language at any time without leaving the program.
When we hit on a selected node (magenta) with the right mouse button, the pop-up menu of the node appears. This menu allows us several actions:
This is equivalent to pressing the left mouse button on the node. A window appears with information of the node. If we are at the sate of analysis, we get initial data and results.- Edit
Node editing window appears with the data of the node selected. - Delete
The node you selected is removed. Furthermore, it eliminates all the bars, elements, patterns, etc. , having this node.
If we were wrong in this action, we must touch the button to undo in order to recover everything removed.
If we are in the state of Form finding, we have two more menus:
Drag vertically: axis Z
By pressing the left mouse button, we can move the node vertically. Even if we want move it horizontally, we cannot do. - Drag horizontally: axes XY
This is the opposite case. We can only move the node horizontally, even if the appearance looks like we move vertically.
We cannot move the node vertically and horizontally at the same time, since, in perspective, it is impossible to know which point in space is the point on the screen.
In addition to being in the state of Form finding, if the node in question is of type Vertex or Apex, the pop-up menu gives us one more option:
- Offset
Using this menu, we can create a point at a certain distance away from the edited point. This distance is determined by the following screen:
![]() | ![]() |
The result is what we see in the upper node of the figure on the right. The direction in which the new offset node is placed is the resultant of the prestress forces at this corner or the apex.
If the value is negative, the membrane shrinks and maintains the position of the previous vertex which now becomes the external node. If the value of negative offset is very high, we should check the outer cable follows the tangent of the membrane.
When hit with the right mouse button on a selected bar (green), pop-up menu of the bars appears. This menu allows us three actions:
- Info
This is equivalent to pressing the left mouse button on the bar. A window appears with information of the bar. If we are at the state of analysis we get initial data and results. - Edit
Bar editing window appears with the data of the selected bar. - Delete
The selected bar is deleted. If we were wrong in this action we must touch the button to undo in order to recover the bar removed. - Divide bars
We can divide the bar selected in a number of sections of equal length. If we want to divide a group of bars we have to use the menu Bars | Divide bars.
If the bar is tube or rigid bar type, the menu presents one more option:
- Equivalence
This is an option that allows you to compare the mechanical properties of a bar formed by a single tube or a bar formed by a lattice of tubes.